Nope. Not a typo in the title. There are new somethings, plural, brewing at Magnhild Press. See what we did there?
First, MP is pleased to announce that the third installment, Book Three, of The Em Suite by Djuna Shellam, Prairie Fire, is now available for Pre-Sale at You can go HERE to purchase it now so that when it actually releases, you’ll be the first to have it! It’s very exciting as Djuna has been working on the title for a long while. As she’ll tell you, life got in the way of Prairie Fire many times. But, alas! It’s about to be released to the public on May 13, 2016.
The other something that’s very exciting t is the debut of a new video series The Write OWL, featuring MP’s own Djuna Shellam. Djuna will be giving short interviews weekly, perhaps even semiweekly, answering fan questions and talking about her work. It depends on if we can get her in front of the camera that often, that is. Djuna will readily admit that being on video is not her favorite thing; however, she is dedicated to overcoming her discomfort in order to share her thoughts about her writing.
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Djuna’s interviews will be featured on her upcoming blog, The Write OWL. Yes, she will be blogging as well, in addition to working on the fourth installment of The Em Suite—Dot in the Weeds, featuring fan favorite, Dot Baverstock.
And… that’s not all! Magnhild Press will be offering all of our titles in trade paperback, hopefully by Fall 2016. That’s the goal. There was also contemplation about having Djuna narrate her titles, but that is on the back burner for the time being. She’s very focused on writing Dot in the Weeds, blogging, and giving her video interviews. She’d like to add narration to the mix, but has indicated a cloning might be in order.
As you can see, Magnhild Press is hopping! Stay tuned, fans, you just never know what’s going to come down the pike.